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Singular value decomposition (SVD) is a method of breaking apart matrices that has many applications in statistics and scientific research. It also happens to pe fairly good as a lossy data compression method.

I've written a little bit about how this process works in a blog post. The first image presented here is what happens when you take one feature from each color channel of an image and pass it back out to an image library. Flip through the images below to see how quickly objects in the image start to take shape!


Since I spend most of my days in front of a computer, I photograph organic things when I get the opportunity. Wild animals and insects challenge both my accuracy and patience because I operate my camera settings manually.

My current camera is a Canon EOS REBEL T3 with a Quantaray 28-200mm macro lens, both of which I've had for several years. It has served me well and gotten me many interesting shots, although some of my favorite photos came from my old FUJIFILM FinePix Z5FD.